l 'rwrrrorrnrr, disorieniolion, ony involuntory movement, or convulsi()nri MMI l)lAll lY discontinue use ond con5ult your physician beforo r05ur)||r(t l, (yĭo not connecl your Ploysfoiion 2 console lo cr lr()irr ll,rr lV wll[,r/l llr\t consulting the user monuol for your proiection lV Lrrlnrr ll I! ,1 llr.' ll l) type. ll you, or onyono in y(nn lorilly, hos on epileplic condilion, consull your physicion prid lo pl(|ylr(J ll y,rr experience ony of ihe following symptoms whilo plcrying rr vitlur rIrrrrn dizziness, oltered vision, eye br muscle lwilclros, lorL. Certoin conditio|s In(y induce previously Lrndefected epileplic sympioms €ven in persons wlro lrrrvr no history of prior seizures or epilepsy. Exposuro k, cerioin poilerns or bockgrounds on o lelevision screen or while playin(J video gomes, including gomes plbyed on the Ploystotion 2 consolo, 0r(ry induce on epilepiic seizure in these individuals.
457Ox[d Lorti no! 5JdAidr.Js 5 F ero 5an Ard'easĪ very smoll percenloge of indlviduols moy experieoce epileptic seizurc5 when exposed to certoin light potterns or floshing lighis.